EduZim - Multi Branch School Management System

Thank you for choosing EduZim Multi-Branch School Management System. Please read the full documentation carefully before starting.

* In most hosting accounts, these extensions are enabled by default. But you should check with your hosting provider.
Configure database connection

You need to follow a few steps to complete the installation. First step Login to cPanel and create a brand new database.

- Upload Files And Install

Upload the downloaded zip file from Insource Solutions to your server. You can upload anywhere in your public_html folder or any sub-folder. Just remember that the directory where you uploaded it.

After installation Eduzim School System to work properly, you must make few directories/files writeable. Below are a list of directories/files you should ensure that have write permissions.

You must pass the server requirements to install Eduzim School System.


If all server requirements passed click 'Start The Installation' button otherwise consult with your hosting provider to fix/enable them.


Enter the Insource purchase code and then click.


Enter the database credentials you created previously and if the database connection is successfully you will be passed to the next step otherwise, please re-check your credentials
and hostname. (Generally hostnames are ‘localhost’, but you should check with your hosting provider or cPanel)


Fill-Up the required information and click on the 'Install' button. This will save your school name and the Superadmin login credentials which will later be required to login to the application.
If the installation is successful you will see the message 'Congratulations!! The installation was successfull'


EduZim School System has successfully installed. Now ready to login, you can click the URL to login


Even if you are trying to install EduZim School System on WAMP Server you need to make sure to enable the apache 'rewrite_module' and PHP extensions 'php_openssl'.

STEP 1: Click on the WAMP icon in your taskbar and click on Apache => Apache modules => rewrite_module
STEP 2: Click on the WAMP icon in your taskbar and click on PHP => PHP extensions => php_openssl


If you get 404 page not found error after installation.

If you are getting 404 not found after you install Ramom School this means that you need to adjust the main folder in .htaccess file.

The .htaccess should look like this:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L]
Installation on subdomain
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /sub_foldername/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L]

If there are 500 errors after installation, try the following code as .htaccess

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^([a-z0-9_-]+)\.html$ index.php/page/$1 [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond $1 !^(index\.php|asset|robots\.txt)
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?/$1 [QSA,L]

If there are 'No Input File' errors after installation, try the following code as .htaccess

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/?$1 [L]

This error means that your servers PHP version is not 5.3 or higher. Contact your web host in order to update your PHP version to 5.3 or higher.

If there are 'no input file specified' errors after installation, try the following code as .htaccess

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c> 
RewriteEngine On 
RewriteCond $1 !\.(gif|jpe?g|png)$ [NC] 
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f 
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d 
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php?/$1 [L] 
EduZim School Benefits & Overview

EduZim School Management is Multi-Branching education ERP System. This application will help the organization that has many Branch Schools and a SuperAdmin can control all the branches and staff. Each branch will be controlled by Admin. Information about different branches, cannot be viewed or modified by other branch users. All information will be separate and secure. It is effective and helpful for both types of schools, polytechnics and universities. There are language translation systems, Any user can change language and sessions and see all the systems in different languages and sessions record. Multiple branch systems will save your time and money, just one solution.

EduZim Multi-Branch School ERP system provides the role of 7 users - Superadmin, Admin, Teacher, Accountant, Librarian, Student and their Parent.

Superadmin Panel

Login to the first Superadmin account.


After successful login you will see the Super Admin Dashboard. You will find all the features of the Navigational overview on the screen.


Super admin panel 17 modules included -

Go to the SuperAdmin Navigation Bar Settings > Global Settings within General Settings / Theme Settings / Logo and you can update your information.
* Note: Global settings are applicable for All Branches. Admin can not change this setting.


Systems Theme setting.


Systems Logo setting.


After updating all the settings and logos, you first need to add a Branch.

Add Branch :

* Note : Admin can't manage branch information.


Add Sections :


Add Class :


Assign Class Teacher :


Student Category :


Student Addmission :



Multiple Import :


Student Details :


Add Employee :


Version 5.6 – 20, April, 2023
- Added Online exam CSV questions Import.
- Added 3 Copies Of Students Fee Payslip Print.
- Added Footer Branch Switcher Enable/disable Feature.
- Update Front-end bootstrap 5.2.
- Update Flutterwave API.
- Fixed - Custom Sms Sending Issue.
- Fixed - Section Click Then Redirect Home Page.
- Fixed - Employee Payslip Global Logo Issue.
- Fixed All Known Bugs.
Version 5.5 – 24, Mar, 2023
- Added Module Manager.
- Added Fees Offline Payments.
- Added Fully Customizable Front-End Any Color.
- Added Custom Sms.
- Added Student Disable Reason.
- Added Different Language For Each Branch.
- Added Different TimeZone For Each Branch.
- Added Google Analytics.
- Added In Invoice Register No, Father Name, Payment ID.
- Added Url New Routes.
- Added Login Credential Reports.
- Added Admission Reports.
- Added Class And Section Reports.
- Update "Bulk Sms And Email" With Dlt Template Id.
- Improved Security.
- Fixed - "Exam Progress Report" Showing Wrong Subjects Position.
- Fixed - Live Class Status.
- Fixed - Midtrans Payment Gateway Issue. 
- Fixed - Invoice Print Logo Issue.
- Fixed - Superadmin Profile Update Issue.
- Fixed - Gallery Album Issue.
- Removed - Front End Theme Options.
- Fixed All Known Bugs.
Version 5.3 – 25, SEP, 2022
- Added Reception Module.
- Added Birthday Wishes.
- Added Online Exam Fee Payment Feature.
- Added Online Exam Rank (Position With Remark).
- Added Online Exam Question List View.
- Added Online Exam Published Sms Notification.
- Added Different Currency And Symbols For Each Branch.
- Added Report Card Studnt Image.
- Added Report Card Remark.
- Added Exam Progress Report Card (With Cumulative Average, Class Average, Subject Position).
- Added New Receptionist Role.
- Added Bulksmsbd.Net Sms Gateway(Bangladeshi).
- Update Bulksms API.
- Fixed Student Profile Issue.
- Fixed Report Card Remark Issue.
- Fixed All Known Bugs.
Version 5.2 – 10, AUG, 2022
- Added Online Examination.
- Added Promotion History.
- Added Student Profile Edit Enable / Disable.
- Added MSG 91 dlt_template_id.
- Update Student Role Profile Page.
- Update Zoom Meeting API.
- Update Font-Awesome Icon.
- Fixed Communication Message Send Time Issue.
- Fixed Dashboard Graph Counting Issue.
- Fixed Parents Profile Child Issue.
- Fixed Exam tabulation sheet subjects Issue.
- Fixed all known bugs.
Version 5.0 – 16, May, 2022
- Support PHP 8 (Beta).
- Added Whatsapp chat with time schedule.
- Added System admission field customizable.
- Added Online admission field customizable.
- Added Multiple fee collection with discount.
- Added Carry Forward Due in Next Session.
- Added Documents can be uploaded for online admission.
- Added Photo can be uploaded for online admission.
- Added Online admission payment status view in admin side.
- Added Uploaded photo and file size and allowed extension configurable.
- Added Students will be able to submit homework.
- Added Flutterwave payment gateway.
- Added Deleting student will delete fee details and custom fields data.
- Improved student promotion.
- Update CodeIgniter version 3.1.13.
- Update Smscountry API.
- Update Textlocal API.
- Update Zoom Metting API.
- Fixed Student promotion related issue.
- Fixed Admin – gallery category edit issue.
- Fixed Front-end contact iMap saving issue.
- Fixed Student ID card qr-code issue.
- Fixed Fees invoice print generate issue.
- Fixed Fees invoice some user opening issue.
- Fixed all known bugs.
Version 4.5 – 24, May, 2021
- Added Online Admission Fees Payment Feature.
- Added Online Admission Student Application Copy Download Feature.
- Added Midtrans Indonesian Payment Gateway.
- Added SSLcommerz Bangladeshi Payment Gateway.
- Added Jazzcash Pakistani Payment Gateway.
- Update Stripe Payment Gateway.
- Added Front-end Home Page Section Visible / Hidden Feature.
- Added Front-end Home Page Customizable Counter Section.
- Added Teacher Schedule.
- Added "Apply Online Admission" Email Triggers.
- Added "Student Admission" Email Triggers.
- Added Feature For Uploading Login Page Side-Box Image From The "Global Settings" Page.
- Added Feature For Uploading Profile Page Image From The "Global Settings" Page.
- Print Examination Results In Student And Parent Panel.
- Update Email Libraries.
- Fixed All Email Sending Issue.
- Fixed Subject "No Information Available" Issue.
- Fixed Teacher Restricted Issue.
- Fixed JPEG format uploading issue.
- Fixed All Known Bugs.
Version 4.0 – 20, April, 2021
- Added each logo for each branch.
- Added front-end submenu.
- Added front-end system menu can be managed separately for each branch.
- Added front-end gallery.
- Added Sms country sms API.
- Added full fees can be paid with one click.
- Added fees revert.
- Added front-end exam results view and print.
- Added front-end certificates view and print.
- Added front-end admin card view and print.
- Update Zoom API.
- Fixed front-end menu issue.
- Fixed multiple fees assign issue.
- Fixed email sending issue
- Fixed all known bugs.
Version 3.5 – 08, October, 2020
- Added BigBlueButton.
- Zoom module has been redesigned.
- Added Each Staff will be able to add their own Zoom API credentials.
- Added Each Student will be able to add their own Zoom API credentials.
- Added Live class report with student participation detail.
- Added Multiple live classes can be taken at the same time.
- Added Preloader enable / disable feature.
- Fixed some bugs.
Version 3.0 – 24, June, 2020
- CMS Website(Separate URL for each Branch).
- Student Online Admission with custom field.
- Fully customized able certificate, student/staff ID card, admit card.
- Attachment Book supports MP4 video with play button.
- Ranking / position wise tabulation sheet.
- Configurable Auto-generate student and parent login credential.
- Email is not required for student and guardian login.
- Add datatable sort.
- Automatically system update feature.
- Fixed Zoom issue and update SDK.
- All known bugs have been fixed.
Version 2.5 – 02, May, 2020
- Live Class Rooms (Zoom Integration).
- Accounting Links (Student fees, salary payments will automatically enter the office accounting).
- Teachers Have Been Restricted.
- Custom Field.
- Staff Multiple Import(CSV).
- Reports Section Has Been Updated.
- Msg91 Sms Api Has Been Updated.
- All Known Bug Have Been Fixed.
Version 2.0 – 02, April, 2020
- Role And Permission.
- 3 Type Exam Setup(Marks, GPA, Marks And GPA).
- Exam Marks Distribution.
- New Student Fee Module.
- Fees Fine Setup, After Due Date Automatically Add Extra Charges.
- Single Click Fee Invoice And Payroll Print.
- New Office Accounting.
- Bulk SMS And Email With Schedule.
- Exam Report Card.
- Student Leave And Leave Request.
- Student Documents.
- Homework With Publish Schedule And SMS notification.
- New Two Payment Gateway(Razorpay And Paystack).
- Staff Can Requset For Advance Salary And Leave.
- Fixed Some Minor Bugs.
Version 1.1 – 20, December, 2019
- Update CodeIgniter Version.
- Add DataTables Export Button.
- Student Registration Number And Invoice Number Will Be As Per Serial.
- Fixed Some Minor Bugs.
Version 1.0 (14/10/2019)
Released Date: 29 Nov, 2019

Please feel free to email with your questions at or post in the item discussion page.